Long time ago …. I’ve heard a story about a man … in love with everything related to the feminine energies.

He had a wife … but also 2 mistresses and … he really liked his life.

The only real problem was that into one point he …. somehow understood … that he needs to make a choice between them.

Life started to be really complicated … so he went to a spiritual guru and asked for an advice.

The guru smiles … replying … “Listen to me … my son.

You’ve done that all your life.

You adore that.

It’s actually the way … you love to experience life.

But …. if indeed you want to make a choice… it’s time to meditate.

Yes … simple meditate more and more and then … you’ll find the answer.”

Little bit annoyed … the guy smiles also … replying … “But i



like all of them.”

3 months later… he comes back to the spiritual guru … but this time he was really worried.

“Guru … please help me.

All those 3 women started to make my life … a hell.

How do i get out of this situation?!

I really, really need your help.”

As usual … the guru smiles … replying … “My son … but i’ve told you need to make a choice.

You can play games…. but not for very long time …. cause all will come against you.

It is not them … making your life a hell.

No …..

It is just a reply.

… a karmic reply.

And now …. your life is a hell.

Today …. I believe that there is nothing to choose anymore.

Or … if you want to choose someone… choose yourself.

And … save your soul.

Your games …. simple came to an end … and all came against you.”

The guy … was annoyed again.

He came in fact to the guru … not to hear his wise words …. but to be saved.

Most probably he was annoyed … cause he had to actually … save himself.

Like … any of us.

In difficult moments … we ask for advices … but … we don’t like that we have to make something … to save our asses.

So … life continues.


… but in miserable ways.

Cause …. we simple don’t do anything … not taking any real decision.



Download the book ”The KARMIC CHARADE

spiritual & philosophical essay” written by the writer Adrian Gabriel Dumitru for FREE.


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